Text Equivalent - Figure 1 & Figure 2

Table 1. Reported number of hospitalizations and deaths by influenza season, Canada, 2011-12 to 2015-16 (Data current as of week 34: August 27, 2016)
Influenza Season Paediatric Hospitalizations
(≤ 19 years)
Adult Hospitalizations
(20+ years)
Paediatric Deaths
(≤ 19 years)
Adult Deaths
(20+ years)
Total Hospitalizations Total Deaths
  • Hospitalizations and deaths are reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada by participating Provinces and Territories
  • The number of hospitalizations and deaths reported represent a subset of all influenza-associated hospitalizations/deaths in Canada
  • The hospitalization or death does not have to be attributable to influenza, a positive laboratory test is sufficient for reporting
  • For the 2013-14 season, there are thirteen deaths for which age is unknown
  • For the 2013-14 season, there are 173 hospitalizations for which age information is not available and have not been included
  • Data from the 2014-15 season is not yet final and may continue to be updated retrospectively
2011 - 2012 736 1151 7 97 1887 104
2012 - 2013 1112 3962 9 308 5074 317
2013 - 2014 1088 4196 12 319 5284 331
2014 - 2015 920 6720 7 584 7719 591
2015 - 2016 1532 3833 13 257 5365 270

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