Biosafety and biosecurity

Biosafety training, pathogen hazards, exposure reporting, licences, regulating laboratories or containment zones

Services and information

Canadian biosafety standards and guidelines

Requirements for safe handling of human and animal pathogens, toxins and plant pests in laboratories and other containment zones

Pathogen safety data sheets

Technical information on specific human pathogens, their hazardous properties and laboratory safety

ePATHogen registry

Searchable database of pathogens and toxins, including nomenclature, risk group classifications, containment requirements, regulatory insights


Resources for regulated parties, including e-learning on biosafety and biosecurity principles and practices

Licences and permits for pathogens and toxins

Apply for human pathogens and toxins licences and animal pathogen import permits

Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA) Security Clearance

Information related to the HPTA Security Clearance Program

About the Centre for Biosecurity

About our work and what we do

Compliance and enforcement

Our approach to compliance and enforcement of Canada's pathogen and toxin acts and regulations

An Analytical Approach: Biosafety and Biosecurity Oversight Framework

A tool to strengthen global biosafety and biosecurity

Subscribe for updates

Email updates on the promotion of biosafety and biosecurity for stakeholders


Previous e-newsletters

Submit your feedback

Send us your comments about our services and information

Canada's roles and progress in poliovirus containment

Our part in global polio eradication efforts, essential facilities, potentially infectious materials, and the role of the National Authority for the Containment of Polioviruses

Consultations for Human Pathogens and Toxins Act and Regulations

Past consultations related to the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA) and Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations (HPTR).

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