Publications – Healthy living
On this page
- Aging and seniors
- Chemicals and your health
- Health and the environment
- Air quality
- Air quality and wildfire smoke
- Climate change and health
- Drinking water quality guidelines - Chemical and physical parameters
- Drinking water quality guidelines - Bacteriological and microbiological parameters
- Drinking water quality guidelines - Radiological parameters
- Screening values
- Impact assessments
- Home and Garden Safety
- Water quality guidelines and guidance - Other
- Healthy Living
- Human health and animals
- Injury prevention
- Mental health and wellness
- Postpartum, child and infant health
- Pregnancy
- Smoking, vaping and tobacco
- Substance use
- Sun safety
- Violence
Aging and seniors
- Aging and chronic diseases: A profile of Canadian seniors
- Building a Global Framework to Address the Needs and Contributions of Older People in Emergencies
- Healthy Aging in Canada: A New Vision, A Vital Investment—A Discussion Brief
- Oral health tips for caregivers supporting older adults living with dementia at home
- Physical activity tips for older adults
- The Safe Living Guide—A Guide to Home Safety for Seniors
Age-friendly communities
- Age-Friendly Communication: Facts, Tips and Ideas
- Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide
- Age-Friendly Communities Evaluation Guide: Using Indicators to Measure Progress
- Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide
- Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide - Toolbox
- On the Road to Age-Friendly Communities
- Elder Abuse in Canada: A Gender-Based Analysis—Summary
- How you can identify abuse and help older adults at risk
- What you can do to keep yourself safe from abuse
- What you can do when abuse or neglect is happening to an older adult in your life
- Data Blog: Falls among older adults in Canada
- How to Lower Your Fall Risk
- If You Fall or Witness a Fall, Do You Know What to Do?
- Seniors' Falls in Canada - Infographic
- Seniors' Falls in Canada: Second Report
- Surveillance report on falls among older adults in Canada
- What to Do After a Fall... (Poster)
- You CAN Prevent Falls!
Chemicals and your health
Health and the environment
Air quality
- Addressing moisture and mould in your home
- Asbestos in the home (infographic)
- Benzene Releases from Gasoline Stations: Implications for Human Health
- Cooking and Air Quality (factsheet)
- Carbon Monoxide (infographic)
- Does traffic take your breath away?
- Flood Cleanup: Keep in mind indoor air quality
- Formaldehyde in your home
- Guidance for Benzene in Residential Indoor Air
- Guidance for improving subway air quality
- Guidance for Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Residential Indoor Air
- Health impacts of air pollution in Canada, 2024 report
- Health Risks and Benefits Associated with the Use of 10% Ethanol-Blended Gasoline in Canada
- Best Practices for Improving Air Quality in Ice Arenas
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Biodiesel Production, Distribution and Use in Canada
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Gasoline Exhaust - Summary
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Sulphur Dioxide
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Coarse Particulate Matter
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Diesel Exhaust
- Human Health Risk Assessment for Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide
- Indoor Air Reference Levels for Chronic Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds
- Infographic: Flood clean up and indoor air quality
- Maintain and Improve Indoor Air Quality (infographic)
- Mould (infographic)
- New Brunswick Shale Gas Air Monitoring Study - Interim Report 01
- New Brunswick Shale Gas Air Monitoring Study - Interim Report 02
- Protecting your indoor air
- Residential attached garage intervention study (factsheet)
- Residential indoor air quality guideline: Acetaldehyde
- Residential indoor air quality guidelines: Carbon dioxide
- Residential indoor air quality guidelines: Acrolein
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Carbon Monoxide
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Formaldehyde
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Moulds
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Naphthalene
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Nitrogen Dioxide
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Ozone
- Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Toluene
- Residential indoor air quality guidelines for Xylenes
- Risk Assessment for the Combustion Products of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) In Gasoline
- Risk Assessment Prioritization Process for Indoor Air Contaminants
- Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Asthma, Allergies, and Lung Function
- Using a portable air cleaner to improve indoor air
- Ventilation and indoor air quality (infographic)
- Ventilation and the indoor environment
- What is fine particulate matter (PM2.5)? (infographic)
Air quality and wildfire smoke
- Guidance for Cleaner Air Spaces during Wildfire Smoke Events
- Human health effects of wildfire smoke
- Using a respirator mask during wildfire smoke events
- Wildfires in Canada: Toolkit for Public Health Authorities
- Wildfire smoke with extreme heat
- Preparing for wildfire smoke events
- Wildfire smoke and your health
Climate change and health
- Extreme heat and human health: For pharmacists and pharmacist technicians
- 3 ways to protect you and your loved ones during an extreme heat event
- It's much too hot! Protect yourself from extreme heat
- Keep children cool! Protect your child from extreme heat
- You're active in the heat. You're at risk! Protect yourself from extreme heat
- Infographic: Staying Healthy in the Heat
- Fact Sheets: Staying Healthy in the Heat
- Acute Care During Extreme Heat: Recommendations and Information for Health Care Workers
- Adapting to Extreme Heat Events: Guidelines for Assessing Health Vulnerability
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 6 - February 2015 - Health Canada is Collaborating with Canadian Communities to Reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 5 - October 2014 - North America Working Group on Climate Change and Human Health
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 4 - June 2014 - Developing Heat Alert and Response Systems in Urban and Rural Communities
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 3 - February 2011 - Understanding Community Resilience to Extreme Heat Through Table-top Exercises
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 2 - February 2011 - Communicating the Health Risks of Extreme Heat Events: Toolkit for Public Health and Emergency Management Official
- Climate Change and Health: Adaptation Bulletin: Number 1 - November 2009 - The Urban Heat Island Effect: Causes, Health Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
- Extreme Heat Events Guidelines: Technical Guide for Health Care Workers
- Community Care During Extreme Heat: Heat Illness: Prevention and Preliminary Care
- Communicating the Health Risks of Extreme Heat Events: Toolkit for Public Health and Emergency Management Officials
- Health Facilities Preparation for Extreme Heat: Recommendations for Retirement and Care Facility Managers
- Heat Alert and Response Systems to Protect Health: Best Practices Guidebook
- Human health in a changing climate: Science assessment 2022
Drinking water quality guidelines - Chemical and physical parameters
- Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality: Physical, Aesthetic and Chemical Characteristics
- Aluminum / Water Talk - Aluminum in Drinking Water
- Ammonia
- Antimony / Water Talk – Antimony in Drinking Water
- Arsenic
- Asbestos
- Asbestos in drinking water (infographic)
- Atrazine
- Barium / Water Talk - Barium in Drinking Water
- Benzene
- Benzo[a]pyrene
- Boron
- Bromate
- Bromoxynil
- Cadmium
- Calcium
- Carbon Tetrachloride
- Chloramines / Water Talk - Chloramines in Drinking Water
- Chloride
- Chlorine
- Chlorite and Chlorate
- Chlorophenols
- Chlorpyrifos
- Chromium
- Colour
- Copper / Water Talk - Copper in Drinking Water
- Cyanide
- Cyanobacterial toxins
- Dicamba
- Dichlorobenzenes
- Dichloroethane-1,2
- Dichloromethane
- Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-2,4
- Dimethoate and Omethoate
- Dioxane-1,4 / Water Talk - 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking Water
- Diquat
- Fluoride
- Formaldehyde
- Glyphosate
- Haloacetic acids
- Hardness
- Iron
- Lead / Infographic: Cleaning faucet aerators
- Lead / Infographic: Finding a drinking water filter
- Lead / Water Talk - Lead in Drinking Water
- Magnesium
- Malathion
- Manganese / Water Talk - Manganese in Drinking Water
- MCPA-2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic Acid
- Mercury
- MTBE-Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether
- Metribuzin
- NDMA-N-Nitrosodimethylamine
- Nitrate and Nitrite
- NTA-Nitrilotriacetic Acid
- Odour
- Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) / Water talk: Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water
- pH
- Selenium
- Silver
- Sodium
- Strontium / Water Talk - Strontium in Drinking Water
- Sulphate
- Sulphide
- Taste
- Temperature
- Tetrachloroethylene
- Toluene, Ethylbenzene and the Xylenes
- Total dissolved solids
- Trichloroethylene
- Trihalomethanes
- Turbidity
- Uranium / Water Talk - Uranium in Drinking Water
- Vinyl chloride
- Withdrawal of select guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality
- Zinc
Drinking water quality guidelines - Bacteriological and microbiological parameters
- Enteric Protozoa: Giardia and Cryptosporidium / Water Talk Enteric Protozoa: Giardia and Cryptosporidium
- Enteric Viruses / Water Talk Enteric Viruses in Drinking Water
- Enterococci
- Escherichia coli
- Heterotrophic plate counts in Canadian drinking water supplies
- Total coliforms
Drinking water quality guidelines - Radiological parameters
Drinking water screening values
Impact assessments
- Interim Guidance: Health Impact Assessment of Designated Projects under the Impact Assessment Act
- Health Canada's Role in Impact Assessments: Infographic
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Human Health Risk Assessment
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Country Foods
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Noise
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Air Quality
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Drinking and Recreational Water Quality
- Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Effects in Impact Assessment: Radiological Impacts
- Health Canada's Participation in Environmental Assessments under CEAA 2012
Water quality guidelines and guidance - Other
- Overview of the Microbiological Aspects of Drinking Water Quality
- Controlling corrosion in drinking water distribution systems
- Chloral hydrate
- Domestic reclaimed water for use in toilet and urinal flushing
- Guidance on Monitoring the Biological Stability of Drinking Water in Distribution Systems
- Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality - Cyanobacteria and their Toxins
- Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality – Indicators of Fecal Contamination
- Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality - Microbiological Pathogens and Biological Hazards
- Guidelines for Canadian recreational water quality: Summary document
- Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality - Microbiological Sampling and Analysis
- Guidance on waterborne pathogens in drinking water
- Infographic: What is Legionella
- Issuing and rescinding boil water advisories in Canadian drinking water supplies
- Issuing and rescinding drinking water avoidance advisories in emergency situations
- Potassium from water softeners
- Safe drinking water in areas of federal jurisdiction
Home and Garden Safety
Healthy Living
- Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund: Learnings at a glance
- What We Heard: 2023 Roundtables on Healthy Living in Canada
- How Healthy are Canadians? A trend analysis of the health of Canadians from a healthy living and chronic disease perspective
- Infographic: Tackling Obesity in Canada: Obesity and Excess Weight Rates in Canadian Adults
- Infographic: Tackling obesity in Canada: Childhood obesity and excess weight rates in Canada
- HSBC Infographic: Do Relationships Matter to the Health of Canada's Youth?
- Health Behaviour in School-aged Children in Canada: Focus on Relationships
Oral health
- Oral health tips for caregivers supporting older adults living with dementia at home
- The State of Community Water Fluoridation Across Canada 2022 Report
- Fact sheet - Community water fluoridation
- Position statement on Community Water Fluoridation
Physical Activity
- A Common Vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living in Canada: Let's Get Moving
- Physical Activity Tips for Children (5-11 years)
- Physical Activity Tips for Youth (12-17 years)
- Physical Activity Tips for Adults (18-64 years)
- Physical activity tips for older adults (65 years and older)
- Active transportation - How are children getting to school?
- Active transportation in children over the years, 2010 -2018
- Are Canadian adults getting enough sleep? Infographic
- Are Canadian children getting enough sleep? Infographic
Human health and animals
- Tips for safely handling live poultry
- Infographic: Key steps to help reduce zoonotic disease transmission from rodents
- Poster: Healthy animals, healthy people
- Postcard: Rodents
- Postcard: Reptiles and Amphibians
Injury prevention
- Injury in review, 2020 edition: Spotlight on traumatic brain injuries across the life course
- Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide
- Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide - Toolbox
- How to Lower Your Fall Risk
- Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP) - infographic
Mental health and wellness
Improving your mental health
- Because life goes on …helping children and youth live with separation and divorce
- Evacuations and your mental health
- Measuring Positive Mental Health in Canada: Myths and Facts
- Measuring Positive Mental Health in Canada: Social support
- Positive Mental Health of Youth
- The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2014: Public Health in the Future
- What's Wrong with Spanking?
- Youth Mental Health
Mental Illness
Suicide prevention
- Overview of Federal Initiatives in Suicide Prevention
- Working Together to Prevent Suicide in Canada: the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention
- Language Matters: Safe Communication for Suicide Prevention
Postpartum, child and infant health
- 10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
- 10 Great Reasons to Breastfeed your Baby
- Protecting, Promoting And Supporting Breastfeeding: A Practical Workbook For Community-based Programs - 2nd Edition
Child maltreatment
- Joint statement on traumatic head injury due to child maltreatment (THI-CM): An update to the joint statement on shaken baby syndrome
- What's Wrong with Spanking?
Community Action Program for Children
Nobody's Perfect
- Behaviour: Make It Easy for Your Child to Behave Well
- Behaviour: Make Reasonable Rules
- Behaviour: Stay Calm and Connected
- Behaviour: Ways to Guide Your Child's Behaviour
- Body: Caring for a Sick Child
- Body: Help Your Child Eat Well
- Body: Keeping Your Child Healthy
- Brochure for Facilitators
- Brochure for Parents
- How can Nobody's Perfect be implemented in other countries?
- Mind: Attachment and Your Child's Feelings
- Mind: Play Is the Way Your Child Learns
- Mind: Surround Your Child with Chances to Learn
- Overview: Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program
- Parents: Feeling Good About Yourself
- Parents: Handling Stress
- Parents: Make Life Easier for Yourself
- Parents: Take Care of Yourself
- Parents: Your Feelings after Your Baby is Born
- Program materials: Nobody's Perfect parenting program
- Safety: Choosing Safe Children's Products
- Safety: Everyday Safety Outdoors
- Safety: Make Your Home Safe for Your Child
- Safety: Why Do Children Need Adults To Keep Them Safe?
- What are the key concepts of Nobody's Perfect?
- What do we know about the effectiveness of the Nobody's Perfect program?
- What is the training and certification process?
- Who is the target audience?
Postpartum health
Safe sleep
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Family-centred maternity and newborn care in Canada: Underlying philosophy and principles
- Chapter 2: Preconception care
- Chapter 3: Care during pregnancy
- Chapter 4: Care during labour and birth
- Chapter 5: Postpartum care
- Chapter 6: Breastfeeding
- Chapter 7: Loss and grief
- Chapter 8: Organization of services
- Epilogue
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Alcohol Use During Pregnancy and Awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Results of a National Survey
- Assessment and diagnosis of FASD among adults: a national and international systematic review
- Early primary school outcomes associated with maternal use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy and with exposure to parent alcohol and tobacco use postnatally
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A framework for action
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention: Canadian Perspectives
- What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?
- What We Have Learned: Key Canadian FASD Awareness Campaigns
- Why is it important to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?
Folic acid
- Folic Acid: Are they getting enough? (infographic)
- Folic Acid: Are you getting enough? (fact sheet)
- Folic Acid: Are you getting enough? (poster)
- Folic Acid Use among Pregnant Women in Canada
- Down Syndrome Surveillance in Canada, 2005-2013
- Effect Of Maternal Weight On Pregnancy Outcomes
- Maternal Hypertension in Canada
- Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada 2017
- Pregnancy and Women's Mental Health in Canada
- Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy and Relapse After Childbirth in Canada
Smoking, vaping and tobacco
Avoid second-hand smoke
- Make Your Home and Car Smoke-free: A guide to protecting your family from second-hand smoke
- Make your Home and Car Smoke-free: Information for Youth
- Make your Home Smoke-free in a Multi-Unit Residence
Quit smoking
- Tobacco: Behind the smoke (infographic)
- Quit with Confidence
- I quit for me: Youth guide
- I quit for me: Facilitator's guide for a group program
- Smoking Cessation in the Workplace: A Guide to Helping Your Employees Quit Smoking
Canada's Tobacco Strategy
- Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control in Canada: What We Heard
- National forum on the future of tobacco control in Canada: What we heard
- Overview of Canada's Tobacco Strategy: 2018 brochure (Archived: February 2022)
- Strong Foundation, Renewed Focus: An Overview of Canada's Federal Tobacco Control Strategy 2012-17
Prevent smoking
Smoking and tobacco use data
- Surveys, statistics and research
- National and provincial/territorial tobacco sales data 2001-2019
- Wholesale Sales Data: 1980-2014 - Canada
- Wholesale Sales Data: 1980-2014 - Provinces
Tobacco products and labelling
- Annual Report on Compliance and Enforcement Activities (Tobacco Control)
- Health labels
- Super Slim Cigarettes
- Aromatic Amines: Contribution to the Mutagenic Activity of Tobacco Smoke
- Retailer Behaviour with Respect to Youth Access to Electronic Cigarettes and Promotion Web Summary
- Infographic: Vaping - The Mechanics
- Talk with your teen about vaping: Poster
- Talking with your teen about vaping: a tip sheet for parent
Consider the Consequences of Vaping Tour (Resources)
- Talking with teens about vaping: Tip sheet for teachers
- The long-term health impacts of vaping are unknown: Poster
- Vaping can cause lung damage: Mirror Cling
- Vaping can cause lung damage: Poster
- Vaping nicotine can alter teen brain development: Mirror Cling
- Vaping nicotine can alter teen brain development: Poster
Substance use
- Emergency Treatment Fund: Call for Proposals 2024 – Guidelines for applicants
- Canadians' knowledge and attitudes around drug decriminalization: Results from a 2024 public opinion research survey
- Substance Use and Addictions Program Call for Proposals 2023: Guidelines for applicants
- Best Brains Exchange report: Treatment of chronic pain and complex concurrent mental health and substance use conditions
- Canadians' knowledge and attitudes around drug decriminalization: Results from a public opinion research survey (2023)
- What We Heard: Knowledge Exchange Series on Safer Supply
- Preventing substance-related harms among Canadian youth through action within school communities: A policy paper
- Personal possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs in British Columbia (January 31, 2023 to January 31, 2026)
- Infographic: Examining how changes in alcohol and cannabis consumption varied by experiences of stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
- Aging and substance use: Understand your risks
- An evaluation guide to support community-based interventions to prevent substance-related harms in youth: Based on the implementation of the Icelandic Prevention Model in Lanark County, Canada
- Substance Use Spectrum (2022-06-03)
- Summary of a Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health approach
- Steering Committee meeting of the Canada-U.S. Joint Action Plan on Opioids 2021
- Wider impacts of COVID-19: A look at how substance-related harms across Canada have changed during the pandemic
- Government of Canada helping expand access to safer supply across Canada (2021-06-28)
- Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses - Latest Modelling Projections on Opioid Related Deaths and National Data on the Overdose Crisis (2021-06-23)
- Government of Canada extends safer supply project for people with opioid use disorder in Ottawa (2021-06-11)
- Government of Canada supports safer supply project for people with opioid use disorder in Guelph (2021-05-20)
- Government of Canada supports safer supply project for people with opioid use disorder in Peterborough (2021-05-17)
- Government of Canada announces funding to help reduce stigma and support families affected by the overdose crisis (2021-04-15)
- Government of Canada supports first of its kind safer supply project in Toronto (2021-04-14)
- Government of Canada announces $16.5 million to support harm reduction and people who use substances in British Columbia (2021-04-09)
- Government of Canada announces $20 million to help communities respond to increasing opioid-related overdoses (2021-03-29)
- Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses – Latest National Data on the Overdose Crisis (2021-03-24)
- Government of Canada supports expansion of innovative safer supply project to operate in four cities across Canada (2021-03-02)
- Government of Canada supports four safer drug supply projects in British Columbia (2021-02-01)
- Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses - Latest National Data on the Overdose Crisis (2020-12-16)
- Government of Canada takes action to support people living with chronic pain (2020-11-06)
- Government of Canada highlights support for safer drug supply project in Ottawa (2020-10-15)
- Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses - Latest National Opioid-Related Harms Data (2020-09-30)
- Government of Canada highlights support for safer drug supply projects in Ontario (2020-09-18)
- Government of Canada supports project connecting people at risk of experiencing opioid-related overdoses to community services in Peterborough (2020-08-26)
- Government of Canada supports a safer drug supply project in Toronto (2020-08-20)
- Government of Canada begins consultation to better ensure the continuity of supervised consumption sites and services in Canada (2020-08-20)
- Government of Canada supports safer supply pilot project in B.C. (2020-07-15)
- Government of Canada announces funding for the Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough (2020-06-16)
- Government of Canada announces funding to help people living with chronic pain (2020-03-03)
- Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses on New Data Related to the Opioid Crisis (2019-12-11)
- Government of Canada supports efforts to better understand how substance use affects Indigenous communities (2019-07-25)
- Government of Canada supports opioid overdose response training in B.C. and Yukon (2019-07-18)
- Government of Canada invests in new measures to address the opioid crisis and emerging drug threats (2019-07-17)
- Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses on Updated Data Related to the Opioid Crisis (2019-06-13)
- Communicating about Substance Use in Compassionate, Safe and Non-Stigmatizing Ways: A Resource for Canadian Health Professional Organizations and their Membership (2019)
- A Primer to Reduce Substance Use Stigma in the Canadian Health System
- Reducing substance use stigma in the Canadian health system (infographic)
- Canada-United States Statement on Joint Action Plan on Opioids
- Preventing problematic substance use by enhancing student well-being
- What We Heard: Strengthening Canada's Approach to Substance Use Issues
- Opioids: What Are They? (fact sheet)
- Naloxone: Save a Life (fact sheet)
- Problematic Opioid Use (fact sheet)
- Stigma: Why Words Matter (fact sheet)
- Talking to Your Health Care Provider About Opioids (fact sheet)
- Opioid overdose: poster
- Opioid overdose: wallet card
- Federal approach on Canada's opioid crisis
- Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act - Poster
- Infographic: Opioid-related harms in Canada - December 2018 (Archived: April 2019)
- National report: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (released September 2018) (Archived: December 2018)
- National report: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (released June 2018) (Archived: December 2018)
- Infographic: Opioid-related harms in Canada (released June 2018) (Archived: December 2018)
- National report: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (released March 2018) (Archived: December 2018)
- Government of Canada Actions on Opioids: 2016 and 2017
- National report: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (December 2017) (Archived: December 2018)
- Infographic: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada in 2016 (August 2017) (Archived: December 2018)
- Map: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada in 2016 (August 2017) (Archived: December 2018)
- Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (2016): poster (Archived: December 2018)
- National report: Apparent opioid-related deaths in Canada (January 2016 to March 2017) (Archived: December 2018)
Sun safety
Page details
- Date modified: